There's Better Sample Prep for Liquid Biopsy

Sample prep that eliminates inherent yield-lowering limitations found in other methods:

  • Sample transfers - moving samples from one vessel/container to another
  • Pre-concentration steps - reducing larger sample volumes to a volume compatible with the method being used, or to concentrate low-concentration/higher volume samples
  • Eluate re-elutions - reapplying the eluted sample back over the extraction matrix (like a silica membrane filter)
  • Eluate pooling for larger volumes - required for sample volumes exceeding the sample volume limit of the method used (e.g. often 5 mL - 10 mL depending on the specific method) necessitating extraction of the same sample in multiple separate extractions followed by pooling of the separate eluates (NOTE: eluate pooling may require yet another eluate concentration step for the analysis method used)
  • "Clean-up" steps
  • Tedious, labor-intensive workflow requiring careful attention throughout the protocol - little walk away time with careful attention required throughout the protocol

If you're not getting the yields you expect, need higher analyte yields, greater assay sensitivity, LoD, greater confidence in your liquid biopsy sample prep, or a scalable, streamlined workflow, contact nRichDX today by completing the short form below and clicking the submit button. 

More Information Please

Tired of This (QIAvac)

Revolution vs. QIAamp MinElute on the QIAvac

QIAamp MinElute Transfer Steps
QIAamp MinElute Preconcentrtion and Reelution

Did you know you can easily compare your existing method with Revolution Sample Prep using your samples?


You send us your samples, we run them in our laboratory using the Revolution Sample Prep System and send the eluates back to you. For more information and to order, check out nRichDX's extraction service webpage


*Qiagen, QIAamp, MinElute, and QIAvac are trademarks owned by QIAGEN.